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Global Ministries Church Visitation Schedule

Alex & Brenda Awad

August 25, 2015: Air travel from Eugene, OR (EUG) to New York, NY

August 26-27, 2015: Global Ministries staff consultation

August 28, 2015: Travel to Upper New York Annual Conference (Buffalo area)

September 2-20, 2015: Upper MI & Detroit Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Jackie Euper, email: tjeuper@tm.net

September 21-23, 2015: Memphis Annual Conference itineration
(Pick & drop rental car in Memphis)
CSGM Nancy Eubanks, email: nteubanks@gmail.com

September 24, 2015: Air travel from Memphis, TN to Atlanta, GA

September 24-27, 2015: End the Occupation Annual Conference; Holiday Inn & Suites Airport North, 1380 Virginia Ave, Atlanta, GA 30344

September 28-29, 2015: Visit with family in Calhoun, GA

September 30, 2015: Air travel from Atlanta, GA to Dayton, OH

October 1-4, 2015: West Ohio Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Dee Stickley-Miner, email: dstickley@WOCUMC.org

October 5, 2015: Air travel from Dayton, OH to Philadelphia, PA

October 6-9, 2015 Greater New Jersey Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Barbara McFarquhar, email: Lhmcfarq@aol.com

October 10, 2015: Air travel from Philadelphia, PA to Columbia, SC

October 11, 2015: South Carolina Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Millie Nelson,
email: mnelson@umcsc.org

October 12-13, 2015 Travel and break at Lake Junaluska, NC

October 14, 2015: Air travel from Asheville, NC to Pittsburgh, PA

October 15-16, 2015: Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference itineration;
CSGM Kenneth A. Haines, email: hai7031@windstream.net
SPECIAL INVITATION arranged by Tina Whitehead

October 17, 2015: Air travel from Pittsburgh, PA to Minneapolis, MN

October 18, 2015: Minnesota Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Paul Bosshardt, email: sgbphb@q.com

October 19, 2015: Air travel from Minneapolis, MN to Albuquerque, NM

October 20-25, 2015: New Mexico Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Michael Stahl, email: pastormikestahl@aol.com

October 26, 2015: Air travel from Alamosa, CO to Tulsa, OK

Oct 27-November 1, 2015: Oklahoma Annual Conference itineration
CSGM: Karen Distefano, email: kririe@aol.com

November 2, 2015: Air travel from Oklahoma City, OK to Abilene, TX

November 3, 2015: Northwest Texas Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Lauren Hughs, email: hugh@nwtxconf.org; Anson UMC, Anson, TX

November 4, 2015: Central Texas Annual Conference itineration (rental car travel)
CSGM Dawne Phillips, email: dawnephillips@ctcumc.org
Polytechnic UMC, Fort Worth

November 5-7, 2015: Rio Texas Annual Conference itineration (rental car travel)
CSGM Sandy Wilder, email: swilder@texas.net

November 8, 2015: Texas Annual Conference itineration
CSGM Lindsay Kirkpatrick, email: pastorlindsay@asbury-umc.com
Nov 8: Chapelwood UMC, Houston, TX

November 9, 2015: Air travel from Houston, TX to Memphis, TN

November 10-17, 2015: Mississippi Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Eric Sanford, email: esanfor@gmail.com

November 18, 2015: Travel to Lake Charles, LA

November 19-24, 2015: Louisiana Annual Conference itineration
CSGM Ann Sutton, email: revann70507@gmail.com

November 25, 2015: Air travel from Hattiesburg or Shreveport, LA to Eugene, OR

November 26-27, 2015: Thanksgiving

November 28, 2015: Air travel from Eugene, OR to Springfield, IL

November 29, 2015: Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Carolyn Yockey, email: CLPY508@aol.com;
Murrayville, UMC, Murrayville, IL

November 30, 2015: Air travel from Springfield, IL to Huntsville, AL

December 1-2, 2015: Northern Alabama Annual Conference itineration; CSGM Matt Lacey, email: mlacey@umcna.org;
Neel UMC, Hartselle, AL

December 3-11, 2015: Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference itineration
CSGM Susan Hunt, email: susan@awfumc.org

December 12, 2015: Air travel from Pensacola, FL to Fort Myers, FL (RSW) or Sarasota, FL (SRQ)

December 13-15, 2015: Florida Annual Conference itineration
CSGM: Icel Rodriguez, email: irodriguez@flumc.org

December 16, 2015: Air travel from Melbourne, FL to Eugene, OR